Monday Monitor

We were late to the party at that time

Some highlights from this weekend’s Event Driven Monitor

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The Event of the Week

This is inherently a weather/ag/natty trade with a sidecar of geopolitical, and overall, they are simply sh*t businesses, but every few years we get a tradeable cycle here. We first wrote about it in KEDM back in 2022. We were late to the party then so it was a hard pass. But now after falling 60% from the highs with a decent base forming we decided to throw an analyst back on the scent and we will get back after we kick some tires.



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Kuppy’s Tweet of the Week


Chart and Kliff Note of the Week

M&A Monitor: SLRN, a negative $350mil EV biopharma, is to be acquired by ALMS, another negative $22 mil EV, for ~$200 mil. Straight-up liquidation offers current shareholders at least twice as much benefit as the M&A. But who are we here to judge anyway? The merger spread is at 18%.

CVR Monitor: We are reading some reports here and there that the FNA / ZBH merger is a ‘done deal’. FNA provides orthopedic solutions for fracture fixation, ankle replacements, etc., and will be acquired for $13.0 in cash plus a CVR. Currently, the shares are trading at around $13.00 so you get a free look at the CVR that offers up to $1.0 per share. Worth looking at.

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